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Albuca maxima

Albuca maxima

SKU: 5 יחידות

An impressive plant with a very tall flowering stem.

Flowers pendulous , white, striped green.

Leaves broad, grey/green.

Flower height: 130 - 150 cm

Flowering duration: 6 - 8 weeks

Growing recommendations:

Light: Full sun / Half shade

Planting season: Autumn / Early winter

Planting space: 15 CM

Planting depth: 3 - 4 CM

Bloom season: Feb - March

General recommendations for planting and growing:

Planting: Use a well-drained soil  or flowerpot.

How to plant: Place the bulbs at more or less the recommended depth, cover and press slightly on top.

Watering:  After planting, water one time to full capacity of the soil/media but later on water mildly to avoid water excess. During flowering increase watering moderately. Keep moist but not damp. For about one month after flowering reduce watering as the leaves start dry up.

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